About Us

‘AAKANKSHA was born on 30 December, 2002 with 12 babies under the make shift system which could be in place because of late Dr. Sushila Nayar, Founder president of Kasturba health Society, Present president of Kasturba health Society Shree Dheerubhai Mehta blessings.

As the adoption license was awaited, all the babies were shifted to licensed homes in western Maharashtra as per the directives of the Woman and Child Welfare Department, Wardha, Government of Maharashtra. However with in a week, license was with us.

 Since then, there have been 85 admissions as on 24 th September 2011, out of which 46 babies have been legally adopted, 24 are under foster care by wanting parents spread all over the country. Unfortunately, one baby had a natural death because of problems from birth. Two babies have been reclaimed by natural mothers, two differently abled babies have been transferred to other Shishu Kalyan Kendra’s because of their special needs.  Presently Aakanksha is nurturing 10 babies. We do have license for 20 babies. Attempts at rehabilitation of young girls who report with unwanted advanced pregnancy during adolescence continue.