Mission & Vision

In addition to physical, mental variations, disorders and disabilities, adolescents’ health and wellbeing are affected by socioeconomic and cultural milieu of their  communities. Though the adult world condemns illicit relationships, there is an alarming sexual activity amongst adolescents with limited knowledge about conception, access and use of contraceptives in some parts of the world  . It has been reported that 20-30% young males and 10% females are sexually active before marriage, 10% of the world’s births (10-15% in India) are amongst adolescents.

 Local experiences reveal that 12% births were among adolescents some 20 yrs back and 4% presently, every now and then occasional out off wedlock also. Fifteen million unwed mothers worldwide are adolescents. Forty to sixty million induced abortions take place in a year in India, around 20 million unsafe, 20% among adolescents, some 2-3% even between 12-15 years, and  50% of induced abortions take place in second trimester of pregnancy. Because of the social norms, girls wait and wait and resort to help from quacks with all the dangers, no wonder induced abortions cause around 13% of maternal deaths.