Mothers with unwanted advanced pregnancy Care Project

Some girls report for abortion even beyond the permissible gestation as per the Indian Abortion law. In last 6 months out of 5 unwed mothers who delivered at Kasturba hospital 4 were adolescents. As such reproductive health disorders, anemia, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, fetal growth restriction, preterm labor, low birth weight and maternal mortality are much more amongst adolescents. There are long term health hazards like coronary heart disease, hypertensive disorders and diabetes in those born with low birth weight. If such pregnancies occur in unwed adolescents, there is further adverse social impact like abandonment and seclusion. Abandoned babies need to be rehabilitated safely, so that they can grow as healthy citizens and the same is being attempted at Aakanksha through linkage with  Sevagram project for welfare of unwanted advanced pregnancy and their babies.

It was in the year 1989, that the first step was taken to help the young girls who used to report with advanced, unwanted pregnancy when abortion is not possible as per country’s abortion law, with the aim to help them deliver safely, prevent the homicide of such babies and try rehabilitation of both mother & baby Till end of September 435 subjects have been helped. In the beginning there were many problems while transferring the babies to various orphanages, near by as well as far off places making realization of having a proper place for care of rehabilitation of such babies.

Supporting mothers with unwanted babies deliver safely was one step, rehabilitation of mother and child was another,  so the license was procured for care of the babies and Aakanksha came into existence. A step further was the system of adoption of babies by wanting parents with all legalities to start with in country and plans for international, as there are always wanting couples around the globe who can not have babies of  their own either because they can not afford assisted reproductive technology (ART) or ARTS have failed or for other reasons. One can take a step further, the concept of encouraging adoption rather than spending on technology’. Further there are couples who wish to help abandoned babies because of social compulsions with one child of their own and other adopted or not to have their own and adopt. So the license for adoption was finally procured on 1/1/2005.